About Us
JEPs is a double-blind peer reviewed (refereed) and Quartely open-access journal featuring original articles in all aspects of education. The journal aims at providing high quality and original articles that are relevant and impactful in solving challenges relating to educational issues. JEPs articles are processed with the highest international standards and best practices so as to ensure that they add knowledge to theoretical understanding of education, its practices and processes as well as help solve real-world challenges pertaining to the same. The journal provides a platform for educational professionals, consultants, policy makers, scholars, researchers and interested members of public across the world to share their insights in theoretical and practical aspects of diverse components of education. It also seeks to be an invaluable repository for quality reference materials for researchers within the area of education and its many facets.
Scope of the Journal
JEPs accepts journal articles in all spheres of Education including but not limited to: Teacher Education; Curriculum Development; Educational Management; Educational Planning; Economics of Education; Educational Psychology: Foundations of Education; Early Childhood Education; Primary Education; Secondary Education; Technical Education; Tertiary Education; University Education; Science Education; Special Education; Educational Technology; E-Learning; Distance Education/Learning; Interactive Learning Environments; Learning by Doing: Simulations for Learning: Intelligent Learning/Tutoring Environments; Collaborative Learning & Environment; Didactic/Pedagogical Issues; and Teaching/Learning Strategies.
JEPs Journal Subscription
Any person or institution can apply for a hard copy subscription in any of the JEPs issue. The issues are published on a monthly basis and volumes on a quarterly basis. For more details of subscription, log into ESSRAK
JEPs is an official publication of Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK)
Current Issue
Vol 4 No 2 (2025): Vol. 4 Issue 2
Published: 2025-01-05