
Carolyne Omulando
Wycliffe Osabwa


In March 2020, institutions of learning in Kenya closed down due the COVID-19 pandemic. In a bid to salvage the situation, universities and colleges embarked on establishing e-learning infrastructure to enable continuity of learning through virtual platforms. In as much as e-learning continued to gain foothold, there was a need to obtain data about student readiness in terms of user preferences, access and training, since these were critical to the implementation of e-learning systems. This paper therefore presented part results from a wider study on only two constructs of student e-learning readiness: technology access and technological skills. The study employed the quantitative research approach and the descriptive case study research design. It provided opportunity for investigating trends and specific situations for describing, comparing, evaluating and understanding the technology access and technological skills of 300 Alupe University College (AUC) students. Data was collected using an online survey, whose reliability and validity was guaranteed since the constructs were adopted from a standard e-learning readiness tool designed by the Penn State University, and verified by AUC Department of Computer and Applied Statistics. Data gathered was analysed using descriptive statistics, for frequencies, averages and patterns that emerged based on the study variables, and presented using tables/figures and narrations. The study findings revealed that determinants of students’ e-learning readiness reflected variedly. However, technology access and relevant technology skills for e-learning were lacking across the board. To ensure sustainability, the study concludes: student support in adoption of e-learning is key to smooth transition. It recommends establishment of relevant support structures – for instance user friendly Learning Management Systems, and readily available and ICT-compliant technical staff and faculty – to ensure that individual and group student needs are addressed for successful implementation.


How to Cite
Omulando, C., & Osabwa, W. (2021). STUDENTS’ READINESS TO ADOPT E-LEARNING: A CASE STUDY OF ALUPE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, KENYA. Journal of Education and Practices ISSN 2617-5444 (ONLINE) & ISSN 2617-6874 (PRINT), 3(2), 10-25. Retrieved from